24th European Congress of Lepidopterology

August 18-23 2025, Svatý Jan pod Skalou, Czech Republic


The programme is very preliminary at this stage and it may change significantly. Currently we have a number of proposed sessions. See the list below. We are now inviting submission of symposium proposals. Please send an email to Zdeněk Faltýnek Fric (fric@entu.cas.cz) with the suggested topic and the list of speakers as well as the titles of their presentations by December 15.

Programme at a glance

There will be an offer of an accompanying person program in parallel with the scientific sessions.

Monday August 18 (all times are preliminary):

Registration opens at 13:00

Conference opening at 16:00

Ice-breaker event for new people at 20:00

Aug 19
Aug 20
Aug 21
Aug 22
9:00-10:30Session 1Session 1Session 1Session 1
11:00-12:30Session 2Session 2Session 2Session 2
13:30-15:00Session 3Conference excursion 1Session 3Session 3
15:00-16:00Posters/CoffeeConference excursion 2Posters/CoffeePosters/Coffee
16:00-17:30Session 4(cont.)General meetingSession 4
19:00DinnerConference DinnerDinnerDinner

Congress Session (chairs)

(Afro-)Tropical research (David Agassiz, Michal Rindoš)
Conservation Biology (Vladimír Vrabec)
General Ecology (Martin Konvička)
Genomics (Kyung Min Lee, Niklas Wahlberg)
Indo-Australian studies (Théo Léger, Jatishwor Irugbam)
Morphology & Evo-Devo (Zdeněk Faltýnek Fric)
Phylogeny & Evolution (Marianne Espeland, Maria Heikkilä, Reza Zahiri)
Physiology & Chemistry (Irena Klečková)
Species distribution (Thomas Schmitt, Leonardo Dapporto)
Taxonomy & Discoveries (Hossein Rajaei, Marcin Wiorek)


The full conference program will be announced after closing the standard registration during May 2025.

Accompanying persons program

We will have accompanying persons program, the program will cover several activities aimed to visit Prague, Pilsen (including the famous brewery!) and other interesting sites. The program is organised by Hana Konvičková with help of Klára Hájková.